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HeARThletistry Playtent was born out of a young person's love and passion for the arts during the pandemic.  As a Kidpreneur project, Hearthletistry Playtent raised funds for various charities in Philippines & Australia during the pandemic using performing and visual arts mediums. 


The greater beauty of HeARThletistry Playtent lies in the journey of a family who had the courage to take a different pathway for their child with developmental challenges- choosing the arts and sports over expensive medication and therapy.  Their courage and determination to defy doctor's advice and keep their child, has bore fruit in a deeply passionate, happy and hardworking young performing and visual artist and retired elite gymnast. 


HeARTlethisry Playtent represents many facets of the arts. The name and logo symbolizes that the heart is the core for any type of arts to flourish. The fusion of physicality and artistry is what makes the arts so meaningful. The creative and play space it provides allow one to take courage and experiment new ideas. By "try" ing under the playtent, young hearts are allowed to soar and find their true potential in meaningful ways. The symbolism of  HeARThletistry Playtent's logo encapsulates the saying "creativity takes courage", heart and meaningful play space will allow any serious and passionate young artiste to excel.



Our Story

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